Today we look at how the requirement to draft accountability maps and statements and the deferral of executive variable remuneration under the Banking Executive Accountability Regime can be applied to WHS governance – accountability maps can be a foundation piece in your WHS governance framework and help officers understand who does what; and while the BEAR requires the deferral of executive remuneration, it means very little if WHS is not included in the assessment of overall business performance.
Today we’re going to walk through how Executives should act and behave Before, During and After conducting Executive safety walks. We’re also going to look back at the safety walks conducted by BP and Transocean VIPs only seven hours before the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blowout in 2010 that killed 11 workers, so that you can learn from their mistakes. If you’re not conducting safety walks, or just want a bit more guidance and assurance on your approach, today’s post is for you.